Learning from the Past – Learning from the past - Truth, Justice and Reconciliation after the ICTY Trials
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Learning Outcomes/Objectives
The learning outcomes of the summer school program are:
1. Developing the ability to reflect on major approaches to transitional justice, reconciliation and social recovery;
2. Identifying key factors relating to risk, resilience and socio-political context essential for social recovery of communities in post-conflict societies;
3. Enhancing the ability to deploy effective oral presentation and discussion skills primarily measured by in-class interactive participation and agreed assignments during the summer school. (The skills to employ cutting-edge methods are to be reflected in the final research papers by each participant.)
4. Demonstrating understating and appreciation of ethical challenges relevant to learning and research in post-conflict societies;
5. Applying and expanding knowledge of culturally appropriate techniques and methods and utilizing peer learning approach as social learning with and from each other.
Overall outcome of the summer school is to offer cutting edge conceptual and methodological knowledge and a unique educational experience to participants aimed at developing and enhancing their knowledge, skills and capacities to learning from and dealing with the past, transitional justice and post-conflict resolution research.