Summer School 2019: Learning from the past - Truth, Justice and Reconciliation after the ICTY Trials

Why this Summer School?

The 4th international summer school “Learning from the past – Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 – 2017: Lessons Not Learned?” aims to make a contribution to the process of dealing with the past, reconciliation and transitional justice approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the region.

Description and Aims of the Summer School

The international summer school provides an opportunity to undergraduate students and graduate students as well as to emerging researchers and professionals to meet and study with people from different countries, cultures and academic disciplines, on a cosmopolitan campus in Sarajevo and in real post-conflict communities.

Learning Outcomes/Objectives

To offer cutting edge conceptual and methodological knowledge and a unique educational experience to participants aimed at developing and enhancing their knowledge, skills and capacities to learning from and dealing with the past, transitional justice and post-conflict resolution research.

Relevance and the Scope of the Course

The summer school aspires to give an overview of some of the most commonly used tools and techniques covered by disciplines related to transitional justice, dealing with the past and reconciliation in post-conflict societies.

Summer School Requirements and Target Group

The International University of Sarajevo welcomes applicants from a wide range of educational backgrounds.

Summer School Program

The summer school will consist of three two-hour classroom sessions on most days, followed by visits to BiH government ministries, international organizations, NGOs, a two-day-long field visit to Herzegovina, and a three-day-long field visit to the Srebrenica Memorial Centre (Potocari) and ...


The main lectures will take place on campus of the International University of Sarajevo, building A and B, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Accommodation & Health Insurance

Accommodation Depending on the chosen package, the accommodation is or is not fully included in the price.

Certificate and credits

The participants will receive a certificate of participation after completion of the summer school.


  • Please see the package details..


  • Please see the package details..